Web sites which are produced and currently maintained by Ascent Software.
The Swan Sail Training Vessel, produced in partnership with Mousa Web Authoring. This site satisfies all the priority 1 accessibility requirements.
The South Shetland Training Group This site satisfies all the priority 1 accessibility requirements. The site is compliant with XHTML1.0 Strict throughout.
Levenwick Community. This site does not yet satisfy all of the priority 1 accessibility requirements, but is well on the way.
The above sites demonstrate our committment to robust, accessible, standards compliant web design. Get in touch to discuss your web-design needs!
We test using the following browsers (all on a 32 bit Windows platform):
When testing, one must accept that a page will look slightly different in each browser. This is due to bugs and lack of standards compliance in some (older) browsers. Trying to support old non-standards conforming browsers damages accessibility and limits a websites future lifetime.
We recommend you read a little about our web philosophy.
All material © Ascent Software Ltd.